Thursday, September 3, 2009

work,school,food,computers and loud people.

Hey Ya'll sorry I haven't blogged in a long time but I've been busy, I got a job at the school I go too and then I have homework to do. I have this ten page essay to be done next Monday, thank god we can do this in groups of 3, but still having trouble starting it. To much research, reading, organizing, BOY just thinking about it give me a headache. well I've been eating alot that's for sure. today I ate a huge bowl of soup for lunch at work, then a bag of chips, toast,coffee, and a 32oz bottle of powerade. The powerade makes me use the bathroom too much! OH and at the library where I work it sure it loud. also either the students are deaf,slow or lazy to do what i ask for. I tell them log off your account or else their gonna use your printing balances. you think they log off NO! It makes me mad cause then they come snapping at me. ugh oh and I just love my teachers execpt for the english teacher he talks to much and makes me fall asleep! well thats about it until next time y'all. ;0)